LOUISIANA STATE OF- AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY DEPARTMENT OF- Agriculture & Environmental Sciences Division 1525 Fairfield Ave. 71101 ---------------------------------- 676-7525 Fruits & Vegetables Division 1525 Fairf ield Ave. 71101 ----- 676-7525 Poultry & Eggs Division 1525 Fairfield Ave. 71101 ----------- 676-7525 Soil & Water Conservation 5825 Florida Blvd., Baton Rouge 70806 ---------------- 1 504 922-1269 Weights & Measures Division 1525 Fairfield Ave. 71101 ------- 676-7525 ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE OFFICE OF- Northwest Regional Alcohol & Drug Abuse Clinic 6244 Greenwood Rd. 71119 ----------------------------------- 632-2040 Pines Treatment Center 6240 Greenwood Rd. 71119 ------------- 632-2010 ATTORNEY GENERAL OFFICE OF THE See Justice-Attorney General Office Buildings & Grounds Office Of 1525 Fairfield Ave. 71101 ------ 676-7441 Caddo Levee District Board Of Commissioners 1340 Grimmet Dr 71107 -------------------------------------- 221-2654 Child Care Assistance Bureau Of 745 Olive 71104 -------------- 676-5390 Contractors Licensing Board Field Office 1237 Murphy 71101 --- 676-7257 COORDINATING & DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION- 5210 Hollywood Ave. 71109 ---------------------------------- 632 2022 Fax Machine 5210 Hollywood Ave. 711O1----------------------------------- 632-2099 Job Training Field Office 1303 Line Avenue 71101------------------------------------- 676-7419 Corrections See Public Safety & Corrections Department Of -Corrections Services DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES OFFICE FOR CITIZEN'S WITH- Region VII, 3018 Old Minden Rd Bossier City 71112 ----------- 741-7455 Northwest Louisiana Developmental Center- General Information/Switchboard 5401 Shed Rd Bossier City 71111 --------------------------- 742-6220 Accounting Services 5401 Shed Rd Bossier City 71111---------------------------- 741-5249 Administrator's Office 5401 Shed Rd Bossier City 71111---------------------------- 741-5210 Associate Administrator's Office 5401 Shed Rd Bossier City 71111---------------------------- 741-5230 Business Administrator's Office 5401 Shed Rd Bossier City 71111 --------------------------- 741-5296 Computer/Telecommunications Services 5401 Shed Rd Bossier City 71111 --------------------------- 741-5227 Cottage Life 5401 Shed Rd Bossier City 71111 --------------------------- 741-5323 Dretary Department 5401 Shed Rd Bossier City 71111 --------------------------- 741-5318 Family & Community Services 5401 Shed Rd Bossier City 71111 --------------------------- 741-5226 In-Service Training 5401 Shed Rd Bossier City 71111 --------------------------- 741-5254 Maintenance Department 5401 Shed Rd Bossier City 71111 --------------------------- 741-5202 Medical Department 5401 Shed Rd Bossier City 71111 --------------------------- 741-5300 Nursing Director 5401 Shed Rd Bossier City 71111 --------------------------- 741-5295 Occupational Therapy 5401 Shed Rd Bossier City 71111 --------------------------- 741-5344 Payroll 5401 Shed Rd Bossier City 71111 --------------------------- 741-5252 Personnel Department 5401 Shed Rd Bossier City 71111 --------------------------- 741-5241 Physical Therapy 5401 Shed Rd Bossier City 71111 --------------------------- 741-5236 Purchasing 5401 Shed Rd Bossier City 71111 --------------------------- 741-5294 Psychology Department 5401 5hed Rd Bossier City 71111 --------------------------- 741-5243 OMRP Department 5401 Shed Rd Bossier City 71111 --------------------------- 741-5357 Warehouse 5401 Shed Rd Bossier City 71111 --------------------------- 741-5263 Educational Television Authority Offfice Toll Free-Dial --------------------------------------- 1 800 272-8161 ELDERLY AFFAIRS OFFICE OF- Elderly Protective Services 1525 Fairtield Ave. 71101 ---------------------------------- 676-5200 EPS Hotline Number Toll Free-Dial --------------------- 1 800 259-5284 ELECTIONS & REGISTRATION DEPARTMENT OF- Registrar Of Voters Bossier Parish Benton 71006 ------------- 965-2301 Registrar Of Voters Caddo Parish 501 Texas 71101 ------------ 226-6891 Voting Machine Warehouse Bossier Parish 3504 Industrial Dr Bossier City 71112 ---------------------- 741-7333 Voting Machine Warehouse Caddo Parish 522 W 67th 71106 ------------------------------ 868-9793 Emergency Preparedness Office Of- Baton Rouge La ------- 1 504 342-5470 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DEPARTMENT OF- Northwest Regional Office- 1525 Fairfield Ave. 71101 ---------------------------------- 676-7476 Fax -------------------------------------------------------- 676-7573 DEQ 24-Hour Notification & Citizen's Complaints Baton Rouge ------------------------------------------ 1 504 342-1234 Financial Institutions Office Of 3007 Knight St 71105 ---------------------------------------- 676-7133 Forestry Office Of 1525 Fairfield Ave. 71101 ----------------------------------- 676-7525 HEALTH & HOSPITALS DEPARTMENT OF- Health Services Financing Bureau Of- Shreveport Regional Office 3020 Knight St 71105 ------------ 862-9875 Health Standards Section- Regional Office 3020 Knight St 71105 --------------------------------------- 862-9899 Insurance For State Employees See State Employees Group Benefits Program Board Of Trustees Justice-Attorney General Office 430 Pannin 71101 ------------- 227-3790 LABOR DEPARTMENT OF- Employment Security Office Of- Job Service Office Shreveport- Job Corps Information 2900 Dowdell 71103 ------------------ 676-7776 Job Placement Information 2900 Dowdell 71103 -------------- 676-7746 Unemployment Insurance- Appeals Referees 2900 Dowdell 71103 ---------------------- 676-7705 Claims Information 2900 Dowdell 71103 -------------------- 676-7750 Field Audit Tax Unit 2900 Dowdell 71103 ------------------ 676-7700 Veterans Representative 2900 Dowdell 71103 ---------------- 676-7748 Job Service Office Bossier City- Information 2331 Air line Dr Bossier City 71111 ----------- 741-7360 Unemployment Insurance Claims 2331 Airline Dr Bossier City 71111 ----------------------- 741-7360 Veterans Representative 2331 Airline Dr Bossier City 71111 ----------------------- 741-7380 Labor Office Of 1525 Fairfield Av 71101 --------------------- 676-7070 Worker's Compensation Office Of 9234 Linwood Av 71106 ------- 676-5331 Law Enforcement Northwest Planning District 615 Main St Pineville 71360 --------------------------------- 487-5432 Legislative Auditor 820 Jordan 71101 ------------------------- 676-7422 LEGISLATIVE OFFICES- Adley Robert Representative 3018 01d Minden Rd Bossier City 71112 ---------------------- 747-1133 Brun Roy Representative 725 Lane Bldg ---------------------------------------------- 424-1802 Flournoy Melissa Representative 333 Southfield Road 71105 ---------------------------------- 868-1391 Hopkins Roy Hoppy Representative 200 Allen Av Oil City 71061 -------------------------------- 995-6852 200 Allen Av Oil City 71061 Toll Free ---------------- 1 800 259-2003 Mitchell Danny Ray Representative 2332 Jewella 71109 ----------------------------------------- 632-2004 Montgomery Billy Representative 4326 Parkway Dr Bossier City 71112 ------------------------- 741-7387 Livestock Brand Crimestoppers Toll Free ---------------- 1 800 558-9741 Louisiana Poison Control Center Toll Free -------------- 1 800 256-9822 Louisiana State Exhibit Museum 3015 Greenwood Rd 71109 ------- 632-2020 Louisiana State University In Shreveport One University Place 71115 ---------------------------------- 797-5000 Louisiana State University Medical Center In Shreveport 1501 Kings Hwy 71103 ---------------------------------------- 675-5000 LOUISIANA TECH Bossier Center 635 Barksdale Blvd ------------- 741-8306 Mental Health Advocacy Service 1525 Fairfield Av 71101 ------- 676-7332 MENTAL HEALTH OFFICE OF- Shreveport Mental Health Center 1310 N Hearne Av 71107 ------ 676-5111 NATIONAL GUARD- 1/156 Armor- Headquarters- Fort Humbug ----------------------------------------------- 676-7613 Logistics Fort Humbug ------------------------------------- 676-7616 Operations Fort Humbug ------------------------------------ 676-7614 Headquarters Company Fort Humbug --------------------------- 676-7618 Company D Fort Humbug -------------------------------------- 676-7617 Company B Fort Humbug -------------------------------------- 676-7619 OMS Number 1 Fort Humbug ------------------------------------ 676-5043 HQ 165th Transportation BN- HHD 4527 Military Dr Bossier City 71111 ----------------------- 741-7468 S1 4527 Military Dr Bossier City 71111 ---------------------- 741-7331 S3 4527 Military Dr Bossier City 71111 ---------------------- 741-7330 S4 4527 Military DrBosser City 71111 ------------------------ 741-7332 156th Army Band 4527 Military Dr Bossier City 71111 ---------------------- 741-7469 1083d Trans Co 4527 Military Dr Bossier City 71111 ------------------------ 741-7472 400 E Stoner Ave. 71101 ------------------------------------ 221-0826 4156 Military Dr Bossier City 71111 ------------------------ 746-3540 OMS #14 4527 Military Dr Bossier City 71111 ------------------------ 741-7471 Natural Resources Conservation Office 1525 Fairfield 71101 ---------------------------------------- 676-7585 NORTHWESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY-DIVISION OF NURSING- General Information ----------------------------------------- 677-3000 Graduate Studies 1800 Line Av 71101 ------------------------- 677-3100 Undergraduate Studies 1800 Line Av 71101--------------------- 677-3100 PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICE OF- Northwest Region Vll-Administrative Office 1525 Fairfield Ave. 71101 ---------------------------------- 676-7470 Bossier Parish Health Unit 3022 0ld Minden Rd Bossier City 71112 ---------------------- 741-7314 Environmental Services 3022 Old Minden Rd Bossier City 71112 ---------------------- 741-7492 Caddo Parish Health Unit- Receptionist 1035 Creswell Ave. 71101 ---------------------------------- 676-5222 Environmental Services 1033 Creswell Ave. 71101 ---------------------------------- 676-5265 Family Planning Services 1035 Creswell Ave. 71101 ---------------------------------- 676-5233 Nursing Services 1035 Creswell Ave. 71101 ---------------------------------- 676-5244 Public Health X-Ray Unit 1035 Creswell Ave. 71101----------------------------------- 676-5228 Vital Records 1035 Creswell Ave. 71101 --------------------------------- 676-5201 Childrens Special Health Services 1035 Creswell Ave. 71101 - 676-7488 Shreveport Regional Laboratory 1868 Kings Hwy 71103 --------- 676-5282 VD Regional Medical Center 1031 Cresswell 71101 ------------- 676-5403 PUBLIC SAFETY & CORRECTIONS DEPARTMENT OF- Corrections Services- Adult Probation & Parole Division Of 2525 Youree Dr 71104 -- 676 7040 Youth Services Division Of 1525 Fairfield Ave. 71101 ------- 676-7020 Public Safety Services- Management & Finance Office Of-Legal Section 9310 Normandie Dr 71118 ----------------------------------- 676-7527 Fire Marshal Office Of State 1525 Fairfield Ave. 71101 --------------------------------- 676-7145 Motor Vehicles Office Of- Drivers License & Vehicle Registration/Information 109 S Foster Baton Rouge 70806 -------------------- 1 504 925-6146 5210 Industrial Dr Extension Bosser City 71112 ---------- 741-7306 9310 Normandie Dr 71118 --------------------------------- 676-7530 Motor Vehicle Police 9310 Normandie Dr 71118 -------------------------------- 676-7512 State Fire Marshall 5150 Florida Blvd Baton Rourge 70806 Toll Free ------ 1 800 256-5452 State Police Office Of- Troop G Headquarters 5300 Industrial Dr Extension Bossier City 71112 --------------------------------------- 741-7411 Gaming Enforcemeht 3010 Knignt St 71105 ------------------- 862-9910 Narcotics Section 5300 Industrial Dr Extension Bossier City 71112 --------------------------------------- 741-7415 Riverboat Gaming 3010 Knight St 71105 ------------------------------------- 862-9730 Public Service Commissioner 800 Spring 71101 ----------------- 676-7464 Racing Commission Louisiana State 8000 E Texas St Bossier City 71111 -------------------------- 741-7423 Revenue & Taxation Department Of 1525 Fairfield Ave. 71101 ----------------------------------- 676-7500 RISK MANAGEMENT OFFICE- Claims 1525 Fairfield Ave. 71101 ---------------------------- 676-7649 Loss Prevention 1525 Fairfield Ave. 71101 ------------------- 676-7647 SECOND CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEAL- Information 430 Fannin 71101 -------------------------------- 227-3700 Clerk Of Court 430 Fannin 71101 ----------------------------- 227-3700 Central Staff Director 430 Fannin 71101 --------------------- 227-3780 Hearing & Speech Impaired-TDD 430 Fannin 71101--------------- 227-3737 SOCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT OF- Community Services Office Of- Children Youth & Family Services- Adoptive/Foster Parent Application Toll Free-Dial -------------------------------------- 1 800 676-5048 Regional Office Receplionist 1525 Fairfield Ave. 71101 --------------------------------- 676-7100 Foster Care Home Finding Unit 1525 Fairfield Ave. 71101 ---- 676-7100 Parish Offices- Bossier Parish 1437 Airline Dr Bossier City 71112 --------- 741-7340 Caddo Parish- Receptionist 1525 Fairfield Ave. 71101 ------------------- 676-7323 Child Protection Hot Line 1525 Fairfield Ave. 71101 ------ 676 7622 Family Support Office Of- Bossier Parish Office 2123 Shed Rd Bossier City 71111 ------ 741-7320 Fax ------------------------------------------------------- 741-7329 Caddo Parish Office- Food Stamps 1525 Fairfield Ave. --------------------------- 676-7000 AFDC/Welfare 1525 Fairfleid Ave. -------------------------- 676-7600 Project Independence 1525 Fairfield Ave. ------------------ 676 7279 Fax ------------------------------------------------------- 676-7317 TDD Number 1525 Fairfield Ave. 71101 ---------------------- 676-7406 Regional Office 1525 Fairfield Ave. 71101 ------------------ 676 7085 Fax 1525 Fairfield Ave. ------------------------------------ 676-7086 Disability Determinations- Area Office 2920 Knight 71105 ----------------------------- 869-3441 Hearing Unit 2924 Knight 71105 ---------------------------- 676-7761 Support Enforcement Services- 9310 Normandie 71118 --------- 676-7010 Child Support Hotline Toll Free --------------------- 1 800 256-4650 Rehabilitation Services Louisiana- District Office 1525 Fairfieid Ave. 71101 ----------------- 676-7155 Toll Free ------------------------------------------- 1 800 737-2966 Northwest Louisiana Rehabilitation Center 1760 Tulane 71103 ----------------------------------------- 632-2015 Toll Free ------------------------------------------ 1 800 737-2972 Secretary Office Of The- Child Care Assistance Bureau Of 745 0live St 71104 --------- 676-5390 Southern University At Shreveport-Bossier City 3050 Martin Luther King Jr Dr ------------------------------- 674-3300 State Agencies Federal Credit Union 1525 Fairfield Ave. 71101 ----------------------------------- 676-5113 STATE EMPLOYEES GROUP BENEFITS PROGRAM BOARD OF TRUSTEES- 1525 Fairfield Ave. 71101 ----------------------------------- 676-7026 Claims Service Section Toll --------------------------- 1 800 272-8451 STUDENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF- Office Toll Free -------------------------------------- 1 800 259-5626 Office Toll Free -------------------------------------- 1 800 256-6882 Supreme Court-Hall Justice Pike Jr 430 Fannin St 71101 --------------------------------- 227-3710 Technical Institute Regional-Shreveport-Bossier 2010 N Market 71107 ----------------------------------------- 676-7811 TELECOMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT OFFICE OF- Information All State Departments-Shreveport ---------------- 676-7123 Telecommunications Management Office Of Shreveport Office ------------------------------------------ 676-7699 Tourism Office Of Greenwood 71033 ---------------------------- 938-5613 TRANSPORTATION & DEVELOPMENTDEPARTMENT OF- District 4 Headquarters 3365 Industrial Dr Bossier City 71112 ---------------------- 746-6100 Highway Safety Hotline Of Toll Free -------------------- 1 800 259-4929 Maintenance Unit Meriwether Rd ------------------------------ 686-1623 Project Engineers Offices- 272 Mayo Rd 71106 ------------------------------------------ 676-7889 1307 Woodrow Ave. 71103 ------------------------------------ 676-7834 9097 St Vincent 71106 -------------------------------------- 676-7832 2010 Barhsdale Blvd ---------------------------------------- 747-5470 Real Estate Section 1687 Texas Ave. 71103 ------------------- 676-7425 Design Section 1687 Texas Ave. 71103 ------------------------ 676-7427 Veterans Affairs 1237 Murphy 71101 --------------------------- 676-7540 WILDLIFE & FISHERIES DEPARTMENT OF- Shreveport Number ------------------------------------------- 676-7594 Minden Office 860 Talton 71055 ------------------------------ 371-3050 Women's Services-Displaced Homemaker's Center 752 Dalzell 71104 ------------------------------------------- 676-7137