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Information Systems

		Service Requests
			Problems? Need software or hardware updates? This is your area.
		Contact Information
			How to contact Information Service staff.
		Department Information
			How to use the Information Services department.
An intranet can make support functions easier for Information Systems staff. Your intranet can be used as both a
source of self-help for users and a channel for immediate or near-immediate communication with support staff
when needed.

·· Resources and Benefits for Users:

· A single place to find out about company IS resources.
· A tool that can help users support themselves more effectively.

·· Benefits for the Company:

· A smart system to link users to the IS staff and resources.
· A set of tools for consolidating user and IS experiences into a database of questions and answers.
· The ability to diagnose true IS emergencies and differentiate problems that can be solved via e-mail, threaded discussions or other intranet resources.

The best example of on-line assistance is self help. By simply putting up a FAQ, everyone can easily access the answers they need without having to ask someone else for help.