"What's Happening" page
New People page
Feature important news about the company, including announcements of new
executives, recent Contacts, and upcoming deadlines.
Feature on-screen news for employees and company bulletins. The home page
also includes graphics, buttons and icons that link to other pages and resources.
It keeps employees interested with clean, easy-to-navigate combinations
of text, images, sound and video.
Buttons linking to each major department or resource of interest are also
featured on the home page.
On-line: Each button takes you to resources related to that topic area.
The following pages focus on specific features and benefits of selected
topics, and how they can help your company.
Corporate communications on your company's intranet have much in common
with the information the Web-surfing public can find on the company's Web
site. However, intranet resources add employee-only materials and an internal
"spin" to available information.
Corporate communications includes news about company executives, products,
and stock performance. Employees can also access the latest company news
releases and press coverage, or review company policy on public and media